Staying Connected Worldwide on Daily Life

Are you a big fan of social media?  Many people use social media for making connections and sharing just about anything, including insider tips on their holiday trips.

What's changing on social media?  For one, Chinese people are using platforms (i.e., Weibo, Wechat, Instagram and TripColor) more and more to plan and make international trips. They normally make a decision on where to go by reading travel stories and looking at pictures through their social networks. Secondly, which isn't surprising, they "trust recommendations from friends more than the stories published in magazines or aired on TV."

Check this out: 
... "social media comprises a stronger component of travel than ever before, 44 percent of Americans said that photos or posts viewed through such networks drive them to their destinations; another 29 percent added that they receive contentment from reading comments left on their holiday posts."
When it comes to China, that sentiment is no different.  Asians use social media platforms to inform leisure travel decisions. According to Seeing the World Via Social Media, "Online travel reviews had the greatest impact on Chinese people when making initial decisions on travel destinations with roughly 70 percent of them searching online for such write-ups." 

Free WiFi spots are a way of the future.  That is, at least for global travel.

Read more here.