India Places 60th out of 148 Economies in The Global Competitiveness Report (2013)

Is global competitiveness important?  Many believe a country's global competitiveness is a fundamental determinant of its productivity and economic growth.  Improving India's competitiveness, for example, would strengthen investments in the country, encourage a more employment-friendly environment and foster innovation.
The World Economic Forum released The Global Competitiveness Report, 2013-14, which includes, inter alia, a global competitiveness index (GCI) computed as a weighted average of components grouped into various factors (pillars) characterising competitiveness. These pillars include institutional, efficiency and innovation factors.
Where does India stand within the index?
India's GCI score places it 60th out of 148 economies, with its ranking slipping by 10 positions over 2008-2013.
Read the entire article:  Doing Business in India:  Take Up the Slack on Global Competitiveness