How to Become a Great Global City

©2013 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved.
The Brookings Institution, which along with JP Morgan Chase & Company created the Global Cities Institute, implores metropolitan regions to look outward to seize new opportunities and become truly global.

Some of the traits you need to become a great global city?
  • Local leadership with a worldview.
  • A legacy of global interaction that includes a “first-mover advantage.”
  • Distinct economic specializations that attract investment.
  • The ability to adapt to each new cycle of global change without losing progress.
  • A culture of knowledge and innovation that encourages local thinkers and entrepreneurs to “generate new ideas, methods, products and technologies” here.
And the Initiative’s chairman is a former big-city mayor who got things done -- Chicago’s Richard M. Daley!

Read the entire article:  Going Global Requires Regional Effort