Are You Global or Born Global?

Photo courtesy:  Laurel Delaney's Zazzle's store
Aurelia Mitchell Durant, Esquire, Senior Managing Partner at AMD Law makes the case that "many companies go global, but that does not make them born global firms. What distinguishes born global firms from the rest of international organizations is that they originate internationally. Born global firms, from their beginnings, have a global focus and commit their resources to international ventures."

Read the entire article:  What is the definition of a "Born Global" firm?

Note:  We discuss this important topic in "Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably."  Refer to the section, Assessing an Export Start-Up:  The "Born Global" Firm where I say (page 13) "Born-global companies are run by individuals of a generation that only knows of communicating and transacting business via the Internet."