Shipping Overseas a Logistical Nightmare?

Sometimes I have to shake my head in disbelief wondering if people are living in caves these days.  Consider the question asked by a reader to Heino Beckmann, Associate professor, Finance Department, University of St. Thomas, Opus College of Business over at the Star Tribune:
Shipping overseas appears to be a logistical nightmare for a small business. What resources are available to aid businesses that are expanding to new global markets?
Find Heino's answer here.

Meanwhile, for those coming out of a cave, there are a couple of companies that specialize in shipping globally.  (Trust me, shipping internationally is never a logistical nightmare.) You might try:
P.S.  When I read questions like this, I can't wait for my new export book to be out!  It's scheduled for release February 2014.  I'll keep you posted.