How About Mexico for Manufacturing?

I interviewed Carlos Balderrama, executive president of CODESIN about Sinaloa, a state in northwest Mexico. What follows is an excerpt from our interview, when we talked about what makes Sinaloa a good investment opportunity right now.
Laurel Delaney: Not too many people have heard of Sinaloa, Mexico. Why is that?

Carlos Balderrama: Americans are better acquainted with Mazatlán, which is located on the south coast of the state and considered one of the premier tourist destinations of Mexico. We are a state with an agricultural and food industry tradition; even though we have only 3 percent of the nation’s territory and 2 percent of its population, we are responsible for 30 percent of Mexico’s total production of food and also supply much of the off-season produce to the United States.
Read the entire interview:  An Interview with Carlos Balderrama of CODESIN