Training Female Entrepreneurs on Cross Border Trade

The Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC) has launched a project called “Enhancing women entrepreneur’s competitiveness and opportunities to benefit from regional and international trade."  The goal is to support Women in the Informal Cross Border Trade (WICBT) to meet market requirements.  The TWCC is implementing this project with supervision from the Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO).

The program will provide the necessary support and guidance to help women in business flourish!

About TWCC:
The Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce is an umbrella organization uniting sectoral business women associations, companies, and individuals who have agreed to form a united front to advocate, lobby and network for the well being of their businesses and prosperity of women entrepreneurs. Current membership stands at 6 associations and 20 companies; all together about 2000 members. 
Read all the news here.

Related helpful resources:

Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global

Enterprising Women 2012