Corporate Power-Tool: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Bring it on:  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a US-led free trade agreement currently being negotiated with several Pacific Rim countries (including Peru).  And Nile Bowie has something to say about it.  Read his commentary below.

TPP - Wall Street's Wet Dream and Washington's Answer to its Own Dwindling Economic Performance

About Nile Bowie:
Nile Bowie, Boiling Frogs Post contributing author and analyst, is a political analyst and photographer currently residing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Bowie grew up in New York City and is the son of two art photographers who established themselves by photographing America’s poor and destitute. Bowie left the United States in his teens to pursue photojournalism and has resettled in South East Asia. As a political analyst, he has explored issues of American foreign policy and its influence on militarism in the Islamic world, China’s emerging role as global power, and inter-Korean stability and security, contributing to outlets such as Russia Today, the New Straits Times, the Asia Times, the Tehran Times, and the Center for Research on Globalization. Visit Nile Bowie’s website here.
Related article on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

•  Next round of TPP negotiations set for Lima, Peru -- May 15-24, 2013